Class 1, 2 + 3 boys and girls MULTISPORTS club – CLICK HERE
Class 1 + 2 boys and girls FOOTBALL club – CLICK HERE
Class 3,4,5 + 6 boys and girls NETBALL club – CLICK HERE
Class 3, 4, 5 + 6 girls FOOTBALL club – CLICK HERE
Class 4, 5 + 6 boys and girls MULTISPORTS club – CLICK HERE
Class 3 + 4 boys FOOTBALL club – CLICK HERE
Class 5 + 6 boys FOOTBALL club – CLICK HERE
Angels from the realms of glory – Practice tempo
Angels from the realms of glory – Performance tempo
Suffolk County Music Service tutors visit our school to give lessons in school time, in small groups, to those pupils who choose to learn an instrument. As soon as these pupils reach a certain standard, they are invited to join the school orchestra.
Music Tuition options available as follows:
From academic year 2024/25 County Music will be offering an Instrument Hire Service for all pupils with a small fee per term. Please see the following link for the information regarding the instrument hire. Please note that this is arranged directly with the Music Service and the school does not arrange this for pupils.
In line with the Governors’ Charging and Remissions policy, charges will not be made for pupils in receipt of (or registered for) free school meals. If, however, the number of children committing to music tuition drops significantly, the cost will increase.
Following is a summary of the terms and conditions of the Music Tuition, which will hopefully answer any initial queries you may have concerning the tuition provided by County Music.
School Terms and Conditions
County Music Terms and Conditions
What happens if.?
a) the pupil is away or on holiday – the school is under no obligation to replace this lesson and a charge will still be made
b) the pupil forgets his/her instrument – the school is under no obligation to replace this lesson and a charge will still be made
c) the pupil has a long term absencee .g broken limb, hospitalization (3 consecutive weeks or more) – representation should be made to the Headteacher
who may consider an amendment to the next invoice.
d) the tutor is absent and the number of – reimbursement may be made if lessons falls below 34 in the academic year
e) Snow/School Trip/Inset day -if notified in advance the tutor will endeavor to make up the lesson