At St John’s we are Loved by God – Learning with Jesus – Living by the Spirit. We believe that all
should feel welcomed, valued and nurtured as part of our community. This inclusion is
essential as preparation for our children so they can make a positive contribution to life in the
multi-cultural, multi-faceted world in which we live. Hospitality, inclusion and reverence for all
are part of the core values which underpins all our work and practice and is central to our
Christian ethos.
Our school aims to provide an environment where all feel valued and free from
discrimination, reflecting the world in all its rich diversity. We are committed to promoting the
understanding of the principles and practices of equality – treating all those associated with
our school as individuals, according to their needs, with an awareness of our diverse society
and appreciating the value of difference. We actively promote an anti-bullying stance which
includes making explicit the unacceptability of racist disablist and homophobic remarks.